The annual television highlight of a Simpsons Treehouse of Horror episode may have dimmed in recent years however the episode which recently aired was a satisfying return to the glory days of Time and Punishment and The Devil and Bart Simpson.

No strangers to the repurposing of Stanley Kubrick’s work, The Simpons’ latest homage to the director took the form of a segment inspired by A Clockwork Orange. From the opening shot of Homer, Lenny, Carl and Homer in the Duff Milk bar the short runs the gamut of Kubrick’s work in ingenious fashion. There’s even a Barry Lyndon throwaway in there.

While the much touted Family Guy crossover appeared to mark a grave watershed for both shows the yearly parody episode  shows that The Simpsons are still worth a visit.

If you’re still in the mood here are some more examples of Kubrick on The Simpsons.