Dave as Robert PattinsonOK, don’t ever say that I haven’t embraced the Twilight love after this! It borders on hilarious but after just finding out that there is no UK Premiere for Twilight, I needed a fix! With Halloween here tomorrow, this is the perfect time to don your Twilight persona!

We’ve just been sent a load of ‘goodies’ for the upcoming movie, Twilight New Moon which stars Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner. In amongst said ‘goodies’, we have masks for the three main characters (as demoed by me in the post photo!), bunting that you can hang around your bedrooms, bookmarks, party invites and door hangers!

What more could you want?! I’ve tried to categorise all the items below so please pass onto your friends and get downloading. If you want to send us photos of you wearing your masks, please do and we’ll create a post specially for all you mad Twilight fans out there! While you’re here, you can also pick your side between Jacob and Edward by using the widget below.

Twilight New Moon is released 20th November.

Masks Door Hangers Book Marks
Bunting Exercise Party Invite