Last night at the British Independent Film Awards Terry Gilliam was on hand to present the Variety award to Jude Law and we spoke to the director on the red carpet on a number of his projects, past and present, finished and otherwise.

Gilliam confirmed that having finished shooting The Zero Theorem, another trip to the Orwellian badlands of corporate inhumanity and existential angst, a number of days ago that editing is beginning with an eye to an Autumn release, though there is not a fixed dates currently. The director also spoke on the forthcoming thirtieth anniversary of his masterpiece Brazil, as well as the oddity of Johnny Depp’s new Don Quixote project which, sadly, has nothing to do with Gilliam at all.

Gilliam’s insight into and opinion of the Independent film scene is naturally humble and self-effacing but it’s always inspiring to hear him talk about his own work.

Here is Stefan Pape talking to the director last night,

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