Director Marcelo Martinessi commands an all-female cast for his debut film The Heiresses, which stars Ana Brun and Margarita Irún as homosexual partners Chela and Chiquita. After living off the wealth of both their ancestors, they start to struggle financially and have no other choice but to sell their inherited possessions. From then on, things only seem to go downhill as Chiquita gets sent to prison on fraud charges.  

Both Chela and Chiquita, who have been together for over 30 years, rely solely on each other for support and stability but when that gets taken away from them, Chela is forced to cope on her own as she faces a brand-new reality. From having each other in their lives constantly for 30 years to seeing each other once a week, it’s rare to see a couple fit so easily into their new lives away from each other. It’s almost as if it’s normal for them and that nothing has changed – except everything has.  


Chela goes on a self-discovery in this complex female world to find out who she is when she isn’t with Chiquita. She fends for herself and decides to earn money by becoming a taxi driver to wealthy older ladies (even though she doesn’t seem to own a license). Chela becomes more and more comfortable in becoming this brand-new person and along the way she meets Angy, a younger more spontaneous soul, who Chela wishes herself to be emulate. Ana Ivanova who plays Angy is edgy, stunning and filled with casual confidence. She simply wants to have a good time and Chela is fascinated by her, basking in her radiance. With the help of her new friend, Chela lets loose and no longer has the feeling of self- imprisonment. In return, she seems happier and free from the chains of her old life.  

The Heiresses is a powerful film, and although slow to start with, it progresses with elegantly crafted characters and an impressive storyline that unfolds throughout. Ana Brun’s beautiful portrayal of Chela is appealing and incredibly raw. As a woman once on top but now having to embarrassingly take money from her friends as she hits rock bottom, it’s important to see how her character motivates herself through such a troubling time without looking weak, which Ana Brun does effortlessly.  

The Heiresses
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Alex is a freelance Journalist who has been writing for HeyUGuys since 2017, after she graduated from the University of Westminster. Now CEO of Just Life Productions, Alex has started a career in producing and writing for film and TV. She has just finished producing her first award winning short film, and has started co-writing a short series which will be released on to YouTube in the near future.
the-heiresses-reviewA powerful study of identity and finding yourself in a world turned upside down.