This sequel to David Slade’s excellent original stars Kiele Sanchez (A Perfect Getaway), Harold Perrineau (Lost), Mia Kirshner (The Black Dahlia), Diora Baird (Wedding Crashers) and Rhys Coiro (24). Helmed by Steve Niles, the official synopsis reads:
It’s been a year since the Alaskan town of Barrow’s population was decimated by vampires during its annual month long sunset. Riddled with grief over the death of her husband, bound by nightmares and void of all emotions beyond hate and sorrow, Stella (Sanchez) has spent the past months traveling the world, trying to convince others that vampires exist. Met with skepticism and laughter, Stella is ready to throw in the towel when a group of lost souls (Coiro, Baird and Perrineau) offers an incredible opportunity: the chance to exact revenge upon Lilith (Kirshner), the vampire queen responsible for the assault on her sleepy Alaskan town. With nothing remaining to live for, and nothing left to fear, Stella joins their mission and ventures into the uncharted underbelly of Los Angeles where she pushes herself to the most extreme limits to stop the evil from striking again.
The DVD comes complete with featurettes and commentaries but will obviously lack the Alaskan setting that as such a huge part of 30 Days of Night’s success. The clips have nevertheless been included below, for your enjoyment.
The original – comprising excellent turns from Josh Hartnett and Melissa George, a moody atmosphere, and a premise which went some way to making vampires scary again – will certainly be a tough act to follow. Bloody Disgusting had these clips first.