
To mark the release of Sight, the latest feature to come from Angel Studios, we had the pleasure in taking part in a rather unique interview, as we spoke to the  real-life subject of the movie itself, sat alongside the actor who portrays him.

Below you can watch our interview with the real Dr. Ming Wang with Terry Chen, as they speak both about the uplifting nature of this remarkable true story, as Dr. Wang tells us what it’s like to see his story come to life on screen, while actor Chen tells us what it was like to be such a major part of it.

Watch the full interview with Terry Chen & Dr. Ming Wang here:


The inspiring true story of Ming Wang, an impoverished Chinese prodigy who flees Communist China to become a pioneering eye surgeon in America. When tasked with restoring the sight of an orphan who was blinded by her step mother, he must confront the trauma of living through the violent uprising in his youth, the Cultural Revolution.

Sight is released on May 24th