This is why I love the internet and why I love Halloween.

We all remember dressing up for Halloween and enlisting the help of parents, siblings and friends to get the exact shade of blood to complement the rubber knife sunk into the torso but one enterprising Dad took his little boy’s wish to dress up as a robot for Halloween to an awesome extreme.


Jim Griffioen is a blogger living with his family in Detroit, Michigan and on hearing that his son wanted to be a robot for Halloween he played him the trailer for Robocop and it was a done deal – Part Kid, Part Machine, All Cop.

Making the Robocop costume out of ‘crap in the basement’ Jim then took his son on a trip around Detroit, finding the various rundown parts of the town which could pass for a dystopia and taking pictures of his little boy meeting local law enforcement officers, riding the subway and keeping the streets clean.

And by a weird coincidence a friend of Peter Weller (the original Robocop) was filming in the area and took a picture of the little boy and promised to show it to the man himself.

There’s a ton of pictures on the site linked above and it’s a possibly the coolest father/son adventure I’ve seen.

Happy Halloween all!