This brilliant Mortal Kombat video has been doing the rounds recently and seems to hint at the possibility of an entirely new Mortal Kombat movie that’s losing its supernatural roots for a more gritty and more realistic approach and quite frankly I’m very impressed.

The Video was brought to our attention from who state that it’s a teaser for the new game in the popular game franchise called Mortal Kombat Rebirth which is due to hit at the huge gaming event E3 this year but the trailer is so dam good it has since been touted around Hollywood for a much needed reboot and everything about it should get the studios pretty excited and if they can find a way to stick to everything this video is hinting at with the interesting take on the characters, the darkness of the story and shear brutality of it all then it would certainly make an exciting film to look forward to.

Mortal Kombat was a huge part of my childhood having regular battles with HeyUGuys founder Jon and I’m sure it will raise a huge amount of interest from fellow gamers and even beyond that niche due to its brilliant production values and some pretty decent performances from some noticeable cast. Here’s hoping it gets picked up, check out the video below also in fine HD quality.