class=”alignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-97065″ title=”The Dark Knight Rises” src=”×150.jpg” alt=”” width=”178″ height=”150″ />It appears those working on Wall Street have had quite an exciting time recently. Christopher Nolan has chosen that iconic location to film an immense fight scene between Batman, Bane and Gothom Police – and we can watch it too thanks to modern technology.
The businessmen and women of New York have filmed the scenes from their phones and we can see in detail the enormity of this set, along with the huge amount of action it involves.
There are a few of these videos roaming around on Youtube, but here’s some of the best:
Batman and Bane fighting:
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Tumblers being driven:
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Huge amount of extras:
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A closer view of the fight:
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An even closer view
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The film comes out in July 2012.