It feels like we have been inundated lately with on-set snaps and videos of Captain America: The First Avenger, which is continuing to film in Liverpool and Manchester.

We have had shots of Chris Evans looking pretty well built, videos of explosions and now a boatload of new snaps arrive, courtesy of both the Daily Mail and the Liverpool Daily Post.

To be honest, these snaps amount to a veritable embarrassment of riches. We have actions shots of Chris Evans’ stunt double diving for cover with a stunt woman, Evans walking around in “prosthetic feet” so that he can appear to be running around barefoot without hurting his tootsies, a submarine at Liverpool dock, a post-explosion mannequin and also the aftermath of the explosion video linked to above.

Check out the gallery below and follow the links above for a few more snaps and also for a bit more news from the Daily Mail about how the North of England was made to look like Manhattan.

Captain America: The First Avenger hits screens next July, although at this rate we’ll have seen the entire film in photographic form by then.