An independent sensibility, four eyes for burgeoning talent belonging to two firebrand founders, a history of truly incendiary films and financial fall-outs and today Miramax closes its doors for the last time as Disney shuts down the studio.

Though it was a long time coming, through some of the most audacious cinematic debuts from directors who led a trail of poor imitators, through some controversy on and off the screen the Miramax logo appeared in lights before some of the most celebrated films of their time.

Corporate wrangling, bought up by Mickey Mouse and the Weinsteins losing their company, the studio had its detractors and sometimes struggled to maintain its momentum but it was a ballsy outfit and in the wake of its passing it is time to put on those rosey tints to remember the good times.

Harvey Weinstein is quoted on the death of the studio,

“I’m feeling very nostalgic right now. I know the movies made on my and my brother Bob’s watch will live on as well as the fantastic films made under the direction of Daniel Battsek. Miramax has some brilliant people working within the organization and I know they will go on to do great things in the industry.”

Fuelled by egos and talent in equal measure Miramax’s work is done. For over thirty years it meant interesting and confrontational cinema, and with so many similar independent spirited companies closing it is important, now more than ever, to keep our eye on the emerging talents of this medium, that they might be found as others had been before.

The Wrap have an excellent write up here.