Check out the newest Multiplayer gameplay for Max Payne 3, This gameplay video goes over some of the gamemodes and features you will encounter in Max Payne 3.

Max Payne 3’s multiplayer offering comes with a host of game modes including Gang Wars where events from the single player are used as the narrative for the multiplayer game, win or lose the outcome of the game will affect your single player experience. You can also create your own crew and fight competing crews for bonuses, check the video for yourself to get a full run-down of what to expect in Max Payne 3.

You can see the first part of the gameplay right here.

Max Payne 3 releases 15 May in the US and 18 May in Europe for Playstation 3 and Xbox 360, PC version will release 29 May and 1 June respectively.

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I am an avid Gamer and I like gunning people down in the online world of FPS games, I am open to other genres and story driven games, I aspire to join the gaming industry in one capacity or another. I dig movies also mainly Sci-fi, comedy and comic book adaptions.