More movement on the Machete sequel, Machete Kills, today as Robert Rodriguez has revealed a new cast member, none other than Lady Gaga.

Just a few days after Alexa Vega gave us a slap around the face with her own unveiling (via her Instagram page) of her character in the film we have this new surprise, and while it may reek of stunt casting there’s something utterly right about this piece of news.

The singer will be making her film debut in the sequel to the infamous trailer-which-became-a-film Machete, and we’ve got another spacebound instalment to follow so expect Justin Bieber to be cast as a deranged cyborg with screwdrivers for fingers and chainsaws for kneecaps. Probably. I’d pay to see that.

As my friend and colleague Dave said: nuts.

Here’s the poster,


Here’s Alexa Vega’s picture and, to make everyone feel old, a comparison picture of how most of us remember her.