If like me you’re glued to Twitter with updates from the 2011 Cannes International Film Festival, it wont have escaped your notice that Terrance Malick’s new movie, The Tree of Life screened this morning and from what we can gather, it’s getting mixed reports from the critics with some reporting that there were boos from the audience. Completely unacceptable in my opinion from anyone, especially from professionals.

The Tree of Life is Malick’s fifth feature-length movie in the last 40 years yet he’s still a director that everyone wants to work with as Ross explains in the video below. His next project will star Ben Affleck and Rachel Weisz. The Tree of Life stars Brad Pitt, Sean Penn and Jessica Chastain and we hope will be released later this year (trailer here).

If you know nothing about Terrence Malick then this video should help you somewhat. It’s presented by Jonathan Ross for Cinémoi and gives you an insight into Malick’s previous work as well as Ross’ predictions for this year’s Palme D’or. The movie will premiere this evening with Brad Pitt in attendance and we’ll have a review up for you as soon as possible.