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Jameson Cult Film Club Jaws Screening Report

Dave and Cassam Looch Show off their Jaws T-Shirts
Me and Cassam Looch show off ours Jaws T-Shirts

Around twenty years ago on a Monday evening, I came home from Boys Brigade to see my dad watching a film called Jaws. On that day in history, Jaws became one of my favourite films of all time and for very good reason… it’s one of the best movies ever made!

Last night, my Jaws introduction story went full circle as I took my dad along to the Jameson Cult Film Club screening of possibly the most famous of all Steven Spielberg movies. It started off the summer blockbuster and to this day, is still responsible for people being wary of all things ‘sharks’ whenever they head out into the water on their holidays!

My Dad catches a tiger shark but is worried about the ‘bite radius’

Greenwich Yacht Club was the venue for the Jaws extravaganza and was kitted out perfectly with Jaws memorabilia as well as actors running around impersonating various members of the cast of the movie. Chief Brody could be seen poised above the audience looking down to make sure that no predictors were lurking while Mayor Larry Vaughn wandered around looking important in his grey anchor suit jacket. Things took a turn for the worse as Mrs. Kintner could be spotted running around frantically looking for her son Alex who was last seen on the River Thames on his lilo.

Before we took our seats and enjoyed the Jaws screening, myself and some other bloggers got to chat with the newly announced Curator of the Jameson Cult Film Club. He’s appeared in a number of films including Lord of the Rings, King Kong, Rise of the Planet of the Apes and Tintin, that man is Andy Serkis. We got to find out how he got involved with Jameson and what being a Curator is all about.

Andy Serkis becomes Curator of Jameson Cult Film Club

I have input into choosing some of the films that go on this part of the series, to introduce them and to be part of the event and to make it more fun.

Jaws was one of mine. I think it’s one of the most complete films ever made. In terms of writing, in terms of the tension, individual performances, camera work, it’s just brilliant story-telling, completely immersive. The way it’s shot is revolutionary, the use of animatronics was revolutionary – for all of those reasons it really transformed film-making.

Andy did a great job introducing the movie last night and it was so fun watching the film on the big screen (the first time I’ve done so). Even more fun than watching the movie was watching people who had obviously never seen it jump and scream at varying points as the famous music takes us through the story. The biggest came from the moment when Ben Gardner pops out of the wrecked fishing boat giving both Hooper and the audience the fright of their life. The biggest cheers of the evening came from the line ‘You’re Gonna Need a Bigger Boat’ which had the audience cheering and whooping along with Chief Brody.

All in all, a fantastic evening which both my dad and I enjoyed immensely. Thanks again to the Jameson Cult Film Club for a fab night and roll on their next movie which is Terminator!


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