So far we’ve had interviews with Benedict Cumberbatch and the producers and writers of Star Trek Into Darkness but now it’s time for the captain of the ship, Producer and Director J.J. Abrams.

After his success of the his first Star Trek movie in 2009 movie, people have look been looking forward to the sequel which is released next Thursday 9th May and if you missed our review of the movie, you can have a read here. Our friend James Kleinmann interviews the legendary Director about his take on the Star Trek franchise, when it is that he’s able to celebrate the new film. and what it was like bringing the movie and the Premiere to London. He also comments on  staying true to the original series but making it modern converting to 3D and filming in IMAX.

It’s a great interview which you can see below or click here to view the rest.

You can see the cast & crew looking splendid in our gallery from the London Premiere here.