The legendary actor Gary Oldman has made a name for himself over the years with roles in massively popular films like Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, Leon, The Fifth Element, and Harry Potter, along with the electric buzz surrounding the upcoming Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, due out here on 16th September.

What Oldman is less well-known for, but equally well-received, is his abilities as a writer and director.

He made his feature debut in 1997 with Nil By Mouth, which won the BAFTA for Best British Film and a nomination for the Cannes Palme d’Or. Esquire, via the Daily Mail, have recently interviewed Oldman who now says that he’ll be returning to the director’s role for his second feature film, which is to be an as yet undisclosed remake.

And not only that, but he wants his Oscar-winning Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy co-star, Colin Firth, for the planned project:

“I think I’m gonna do something with Colin Firth. It was something I’d been thinking about for a while, I can’t say what it is, but it’s a remake, and when I worked with Colin I thought: here’s the guy to do it with.”

That sounds like a pretty damn awesome collaboration to me. Even the sense of intrigue about it, not knowing what it’s going to be a remake of, adds to the awesomeness of the project. Oldman is an incredibly talented man, and Firth has shown on many occasions that the same can be said for him, and so anything that the pair make together is sure to be brilliant. I’m already really looking forward to finding out more about this film, so you can be sure we’ll keep an ear to the ground waiting for more updates.