If you’re a fan of Family Guy, or know someone that is, this DVD will be perfect. With no new series coming out this Christmas, Seth McFarlane and the team behind Family Guy had to come up with something to make money this Christmas!

If you didn’t know, Family Guy is filled with Hollywood stars voicing the controversial and inappropriate characters such as Mila Kunis voicing Meg, Seth Green playing Chris, and of course Seth McFarlane bringing many of the characters to life, most notably Stewie and Peter.

This DVD is filled with delights for any fan. It features full episodes of McFarlane’s top 10 favourite episodes which have never been noted before, but have been put together by McFarlane especially for this DVD. Obviously, these episodes are some of the most iconic from the 10 series of Family Guy so far – I won’t ruin it by telling you which episodes they are, though.

Also shown is the UK’s top episode ‘Road to the North Pole’ as voted for by UK Family Guy fans, which was shown on BBC 3 earlier this year when they celebrated the 10th series of Family Guy.

I guarantee you the episodes picked for this DVD summarise what everyone loves (or hates) about Family Guy. They’re filled with crude jokes, topical discussions of popular culture, and a good few songs that are just that little bit too catchy.

What is most notable about the DVD is the fact it contains a bonus feature with scenes too rude for TV. If you think what you’re watching in the episodes aired on TV is inappropriate, then you wait until you see some of the scenes featured on this DVD. It is by no means a family watch (despite the name), so when it comes to putting it on the TV, tell your gran to go to bed.

Also included is a fun section of ‘The Incredibly Bad Choices of Peter Griffin’ and ‘The 10 Commandments Presented by Family Guy’. These are short clips from previous episodes creating the special features on the DVD, and do provide some laugh out loud moments.

Overall, this is a brilliantly entertaining DVD (if you’re a fan, of course). It’s just a shame there’s not as much unseen footage as you would have hoped for. It’s essentially made up of episodes that have come out already. However, you do have insight from those close to the show, and the episodes chosen are the more ‘brilliant’ ones, so you’re most definitely in for a laugh.

The Best of Family Guy is out now.
