Word has leaked from the mouth of AICN of the rumoured titles for the next films and the Die Hard and Fantastic Four franchises, and while this is barely news of any description they are specific enough to give clues to the directions they may be going in.
So, Die Hard 24/7 then.
Get Jack Bauer in the mix and I’m sold. Whether writer Skip Woods will stick Bruce Willis back in a confined space and unleash the terrorists is not clear, certainly the word is that Bruce Willis is interested in the global potential of the series – so I guess we’ll see. The previous four films grew in terms of scope, and suffered because of this – the beauty of the original was the relative simplicity and while John McClane is just a cop having a succession of bad days the ‘open all hours’ title gives the impression that they’ll be 365 bad days a year.
Fantastic Four Reborn?
I guess ‘Fantastic Four: No, not a sequel to those Chris Evans/Jessica Alba films which came out a few years ago – this is all new!’ was too long a title. Honestly though, I’ve got no problem with multiple versions of comic book movies coming out, my only criteria is that they’re good; there are multiple incarnations of super hero franchises coming out in comic book form, so why not in movies?
I didn’t hate the FF movies, but their tone was all over the place, and there was some awful treatment of the Invisible Women which would need to be cast aside in this new version. And, if this title is accurate then the distance between this new film and the previous, very recent ones, is being clearly marked.