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Deadpool Script Review


Ryan Reynolds seems to be keen on taking the lead in a Deadpool film and rumours of Robert Rodriguez coming on board to direct persist. Now, in addition to all of that “wait and see” we have a review of the most recent draft of the screenplay by Cinema Blend.

This should all be taken with a pinch of salt and to their credit, Cinema Blend acknowledge this up front. The screenplay is stated to be only one element of the finished film and no assumptions are made as to how the film will turn out, only what the current draft of the script has to say.

The first hurdle, namely the introduction, alteration and dismembering of Deadpool in X-Men: Origins: Wolverine is dealt with by setting the Deadpool movie in a world where Wolverine is merely a film that Deadpool has seen. In one fell swoop, Deadpool is liberated from all of that inconvenient backstory and can do his own thing.

Apparently there is a big role in the script for Colossus, who increased in prominence throughout the first three X-Men films, playing here the kind of straight man to Deadpool’s wise-cracker. Deadpool is said to be constantly making contemporary pop-culture references, full of sarcasm and wit and then moving seamlessly into brutal, bloody violence.

Structurally, “origin story” issues are said to be dealt with through a series of flashbacks, with the blanks gradually being filled in as the present day story unfolds. Tonally, Cinema Blend say:-

Till now, our superheroes have fallen into pretty much one of two categories. They’re either deadly serious and dark, like The Dark Knight, or they’re fun and light like Iron Man. If it gets made, Deadpool will be the first superhero movie to successfully be both styles all at once. It does it by taking everything to the extreme. All the darkness and despair of Batman is amped up and punctuated with brutal, almost horror movie-like violence while all the humor and flat out charm of Iron Man is amped up as well, to create a dark and deeply violent superhero movie that’s also ridiculously funny and engaging in nearly every single moment and all at once.

This certainly sounds good, although Blade: Trinity and Wolverine both taught us that trying to mesh Ryan Reynolds’ motor-mouth, light-hearted style of delivery with a film containing darker elements and certainly more serious, po-faced performances can create some grating clashes of style.

Ultimately, Cinema Blend are hugely impressed with what they’ve seen and their genuine affection for the character and their hopes for a successful film shine through. You can read the rest of their script review here and then pop back to comment below on what you think of it.

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Dave has been writing for HeyUGuys since mid-2010 and has found them to be the most intelligent, friendly, erudite and insightful bunch of film fans you could hope to work with. He's gone from ham-fisted attempts at writing the news to interviewing Lawrence Bender, Renny Harlin and Julian Glover, to writing articles about things he loves that people have actually read. He has fairly broad tastes as far as films are concerned, though given the choice he's likely to go for Con Air over Battleship Potemkin most days. He's pretty sure that 2001: A Space Odyssey is the most overrated mess in cinematic history.


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