Talking to Collider recently, the Russo’s had this to say about what they have in store for Captain America 3 and where they’re currently at with putting the third movie in the franchise together in terms of story.
“Well now that Kevin [Feige] said it that means we can talk about it, I guess. That’s great. We’re just in the formative stages of it right now. We just started breaking story with [screenwriters Christopher] Markus and [Stephen] McFeely and we’re just getting an idea of what we wanna do with it. It’s crazy working on it before the movie even comes out because you want to see what people respond to in the movie. You want to get some inspiration from what people like about the film so you go, ‘Okay, this is what we gotta lean into in the next movie’ or ‘this is what we should move away from, this didn’t work so well.’ So we’re just in that phase of breaking story but waiting to see how people respond to the movie.”
Based on what they’re saying, it sounds as if the reaction to Sebastian Stan (among other things) will play a role in whether we’ll see him or any of the other new supporting cast members return for the next movie. To get a better idea of where they might take Captain America next, click here to read our list of “10 Possible Future Storylines for Captain America 3 and Beyond”.
Recently, Chris Evans has been talking about taking a break from acting when his contract with Marvel comes to an end, leading many fans to worry that perhaps he was no longer interested in play Captain America and might leave the role sooner than expected. Thankfully, he cleared up those rumours in another interview with Collider:
“Oh yeah, this was a big thing! I gotta watch what I say. I will absolutely clarify. I have a six-movie contract with Marvel and I absolutely plan on fulfilling them. This is without a doubt the biggest blessing in my life. Marvel has literally changed the game for me, and they make great movies. I did direct last year and it was a really fantastic experience, I really enjoyed it. So I’m certainly looking to do that a bit more, so when it comes to exploring other acting jobs I may not be as proactive in trying to find those, I may kind of stick with my Marvel universe in terms of getting in front of the camera, and then getting behind the camera outside of it.”
What a relief, eh? Now, in some lighter news, here’s that latest Captain America: The Winter Soldier clip with Team America’s “America, F*ck Year!” playing in the background. It works, well, perfectly. Needless to say, it does contain some NSFW language!