The Double UK PosterToday sees the release of Richard Ayoade’s second feature film, The Double. Another solid instalment from one of Britain’s most promising new directors. Also released today is Shan Khan’s Honour, starring arguably the finest working British actor of his generation, Paddy Considine. Considine himself has made appearances in both Ayoade’s films, and with that in mind, here is one UK dream team that we would love to see.

Director- Richard Ayoade

Ayoade is well known for his comedic style. Bursting on to UK television with the IT Crowd, his quirky sense of humour seeps through in to both The Double and debut feature, Submarine. The BAFTA nominated Submarine cemented Ayoade as one of the most promising new voices in the British film industry. The black humour, the gentle tragedy, and the hysterical performances is a refreshing voice in the doom and gloom of a lot of British Cinema, and The Double certainly doesn’t disappoint. Ayoade may have replaced the Wales of his first feature with the US, but the style is uniquely his, it’s unmistakeable.

Writer- Abi Morgan

As well as being one of the most successful, Abi Morgan is one of the most versatile writers the UK has at the current time. Whether it be the clipped tones of Maggie Thatcher in the Iron Lady, or the swaggering drawl of Fassbender’s Brandon in Shame, Morgan’s ability to adapt her writing to any scenario makes her a stand=out. Her most recent film, Suffragette, is filming, and there could be few writers who could capture the strength and stoicism of the feminist movement quite like Morgan.

Producer- Mark Herbert

Co-Founder of Warp Films. Along with Shane Meadows, Herbert helped to make British cinema cool again. As well as producing all ofMeadow’s work, he’s produced Chris Morris’ Four Lions, Ayoade’s Submarine, Ben Wheatley’s Kill List and Paddy Considine’s Tyrannosaur, to name but a few. His role in bringing to life some of the most popular and certainly the best that British cinema has to offer today.

Actor- Paddy Considine

Paddy Considine, again another Meadow’s stalwart, has proved from his breakthrough performance as loner Morell in A Room for Romeo Brass that his talent is boundless. Perfectly straddling quirky comedian, Hollywood superstar and terrifying thug, his energy is electrifying. His presence on screen is totally hypnotising. Notable performances include vengeful Richard in Meadow’s Dead Man’s Shoes (has there ever been a more satisfying use of the c-word?) and on the flip side, the enigmatic Graham in Submarine. For every good performance you think of there are at least 10 that you haven’t.

Actress- Tilda Swinton

When speaking about great British actresses, there simply could be no other. With a talent born out of a deep passion for art, Swinton’s charisma and exceptional ability have allowed her to move across all genres of cinematic. Her style, her elegance and her almost intimidating presence have all the markings of a star, with none of the artifice or fakery. Truly one of a kind.

One day. You never know.

Honour and The Double are both out in cinemas now.