Last night we put up the news that Noel Clarke was set to join J.J. Abrams in his sequel to 2009 movie, Star Trek (currently named Star Trek 2) and this morning, Deadline have put up the news that Benedict Cumberbatch who seems to be in everything at the moment is all set to join him too! Cumberbatch seems to be picking up brilliant roles all over the place with him recently working with a stellar cast in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, back on our screens over Christmas in BBC TV series Sherlock and also heading out to New Zealand to work with Peter Jackson voicing the ‘Necromancer’ in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey and The Hobbit: There And Back Again. Big congrats to Benedict!

This now means we have yet another Brit joining the cast bringing the total to 5 including Noel Clarke, Simon Pegg, Alice Eve and now Cumberbatch – looks like the Brits are taking over!

News is that he’ll be playing a ‘lead villain’ in the movie but as yet we don’t know who it’ll be or what race but obviously we’ll update you as and when we get it.