For those moments when your life just doesn’t contain enough military hardware and giant explosions there’s The Bayifier.

This neat little website allows you, nay compels you, to upload your photos and embellish them in true Michael Bay fashion, with fighter jets and Shia LaBeouf.

Walking on the London’s South Bank today I snapped this fairly ordinary picture,

Then I fed it through The Bayifier. Lo,

I think you’ll agree it’s a vast improvement, particularly Big LaBeouf yelling out the time.

What’s nice about this handy little tool is the ability to subtly alter past movies to give them a little something more Baylike. Here’s When Shia Met Sally.

And now Merchant-Bay’s Human Remains of the Day,

Right – your turn.

Click Here to experience the Bayifier – and live your life against a shimmering, setting sun.