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Video: 21 Years of Doing Exactly What It Says on the Tin


Changing your public face can be tricky. Yes, we’ll accept it as Marathon changes to Snickers, mourn Opal Fruits perhaps but admit Starburst into our watering mouths and yet…

Sometimes change comes at a price, as the owner of the world’s third most famous slogan discovered when they decided to part with the eight word phrase which came to define it in the public eye.

And who wouldn’t be upset? Imagine if Star Wars opened with the line…

Ages back and, like, really a big way away…

or Star Trek extolled the virtues of

Staying in really good health for ages and being all wealthy.

Tiny Spock is not impressed.


Would we have been as scared if this had happened…


Well, we’ve just seen this video from Ronseal (and already you’re saying the slogan in your head) and it seems they’ve had a change of heart after a little over two decades of letting their product speak for itself.

Stand by to forget everything you know, and watch on in horror as the tide of social media turns against a DIY giant, calling it to account and enacting some very real change.

UPDATE: Things have changed. Now, there’s a new twist. See below.


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