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Valkyrie May Make Her Big Screen Debut in Thor: Ragnarok


There have been a lot of rumours about what’s to come in Thor: Ragnarok as the title alone suggests that it’s going to be the biggest Thor movie to date. Now, just days after we found out that Mark Ruffalo’s Hulk is set to take on a leading role in the 2017 release, new details have today emerged about what’s being called the darkest Marvel Studios movie to date.

In fact, Taika Waititi has been hired specifically to bring some lightness and comedy to the movie, bringing it more in line with the kind of tone we’ve come to expect from Marvel.

Going back to the Jade Giant though, and this new report from Birth.Movies.Death indicates that the, “heroes will be taking a cosmic road trip together, Hope and Crosby style.”

However, The Hulk having a role in Thor: Ragnarok won’t be the only major new addition to this franchise; the site believes that the duo will end up meeting the Valkyries, something which could lead to fan-favourite Avengers character Valkyrie finally making her big screen debut (the image at the top of this post is actually concept art from the first Thor movie).

In the comics, the Asgardian goddess Brunnhilde is one of Asgard’s mightiest warriors and the leader of the Valkyrior, Odin’s choosers of the slain. It’s not clear how she’ll factor into the movie, but the site adds that there are a lot of great female roles in Thor: Ragnarok.


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