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Don’t Miss the Horrorshow! Our favourite underrated Horror Films of recent years




Back to found-footage. Afflicted tells the story of two friends embarking on a journey to travel the world and document it. Unfortunately, as is the way horror films, not everything goes seamless as hoped.

One night in the trip, one of the friends gets struck with a mysterious illness. In these foreign lands, they try to navigate their way around to the source to help stop the affliction before it is too late. Written, directed and starring the two leads, it feels that this is pseudo-biographical, a fantasy of how they think the situation would play out since they are long time friends.

That adds the characters you need for a film that is well-put together, a bit tongue-in-cheek with its found-footage element, but also a thrilling, intriguing ride. The puzzle is as interesting as the scares.


  1. Houses October Built finally ruined found footage films for me forever. No more. I’ll save you time. Everyone looking for the most haunted attraction end up being buried alive in the end. I just saved you 90 minurtes of your life.

  2. So, I’m guessing you knew the makers of Houses October Built, which was awful. Universally panned by critics and horror fans alike. Absolutely terrible.

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