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Don’t Miss the Horrorshow! Our favourite underrated Horror Films of recent years


 willow creek poster

Willow Creek

Bobcat Goldthwait has made a name from himself as a talented director away from his comedy; both World’s Greatest Dad and Willow Creek are loved by the majority of critics. The director manages to write and direct confidently, with comedy so black it stains the audience – in a good way.

Willow Creek is his found-footage entry into the horror world and despite its great reviews, it still feels that this horror film is underrated outside of critics. Rarely can the word crafted be used for found-footage, but Willow Creek has that feel to it, it has been carefully considered, paced and the right characters placed into this uncomfortable setting.

On their search for Bigfoot, the characters are alone in the forest while sounds start to become more sinister. What makes this different is because it goes back to the subgenre roots, taking more from Blair Witch than any other contemporary addition. Bobcat Goldthwait is so confident that he can scare you, he keeps a static shot uncut for almost 20 minutes, being the most tense moment of the film too.


  1. Houses October Built finally ruined found footage films for me forever. No more. I’ll save you time. Everyone looking for the most haunted attraction end up being buried alive in the end. I just saved you 90 minurtes of your life.

  2. So, I’m guessing you knew the makers of Houses October Built, which was awful. Universally panned by critics and horror fans alike. Absolutely terrible.

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