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Don’t Miss the Horrorshow! Our favourite underrated Horror Films of recent years


 The Houses October Built

The Houses October Built

One of the most impressive attributes of this film is the title and premise. The story follows a crew travelling across America looking for the scariest Hallowe’en attraction you can have. They travel through many haunted houses looking for the scariest experience possible.

Behind the typical attractions at carnivals everyone is familiar with, there are rumours of an unparalleled authentic experience. It becomes clear that it is more than the five crew members have bargained for. Roaming through haunted houses is creepy enough, but as the crew don their cameras and proceed through, it becomes infinitely more terrifying with the audience not being able to see what is off the screen.

That lack of control of what the audience sees, sends shivers down spines, because they could be ignoring something obvious throughout the walk. While things get decidedly creepier and creepier, the film itself stumbles in its finale, but everything leading up to it is effective.

The Houses That October Built is not perfect, but behind the mask of simple haunted house attractions, there is a terrifying face buried beneath it that is ready to pop its way out at every unexpected moment. This film burns calories, thanks to your increased heart rate throughout.


  1. Houses October Built finally ruined found footage films for me forever. No more. I’ll save you time. Everyone looking for the most haunted attraction end up being buried alive in the end. I just saved you 90 minurtes of your life.

  2. So, I’m guessing you knew the makers of Houses October Built, which was awful. Universally panned by critics and horror fans alike. Absolutely terrible.

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