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The Lure of Superheroes and their Gadgets


5. War Machine

Iron Patriot

After stealing one of Iron Man’s early prototype suits in Iron Man 2, Colonel James Rhodes was transformed into War Machine by Justin Hammer. It’s easily one of the sequel’s best scenes, and if you need a reminder, you can check it out by clicking here.

Tony Stark’s suit has a lot of great gadgets and weapons, but the name War Machine is well suited to this particular hero as he is quite literally a walking weapon. Tony Stark experiences this first hand when the suit is taken over by the villainous Whiplash, but seeing him and Rhodey later fighting side by side is just one of those iconic comic book movie moments it’s hard for any fan to forget!

After adopting the Iron Patriot moniker in Iron Man 3, whether he’ll return to War Machine down the line remains to be seen…

4. Black Widow

Black Widow is so good at fighting, her need for gadgets is limited. However, along with a couple of trusty handguns, Black Widow’s stingers play a big role in her ability to deal with a variety of threats.

As you can see from the still above, she’s actually going to get something of a technological upgrade in 2015’s Avengers: Age of Ultron, and she’s going to need it when Earth’s Mightiest Heroes find themselves facing off against Ultron and his robotic army! Black Widow isn’t the only non-powered member of the team though, and Hawkeye’s trusty bow only narrowly missed out on getting a mention here. Of course, there’s another member of S.H.I.E.L.D. who is even more experienced with gadgets and weapons than even these two former members…

3. Nick Fury

Though he’s most often seen with a gun (or a bazooka during one key moment in Avengers Assemble), the former head of S.H.I.E.L.D. has played with a huge number of gadgets during his many big screen appearances.

The Helicarrier was packed full of inventive weapons, but it was in Captain America: The Winter Soldier that the technology Nick Fury has access to became truly apparent. Under attack from the sequel’s titular villain, Fury’s car proved to be almost as capable as a tank, though it unfortunately didn’t sustain attack for too long after most of its gadgets were disabled by a well-timed explosion. Regardless, he still escaped being taken out by Captain America’s brainwashed former sidekick. How? With a gadget that allowed him to escape underground!

2. Iron Man

If we didn’t include Iron Man, what kind of list of the best gadget wielding superheroes would this be? After creating a rough version of the suit in a cave, Tony Stark would return home and by the time Iron Man 3 was released, he was able to unleash a whole army of Iron Men on A.I.M. in that movie’s final act.

As if that wasn’t enough, Iron Man’s armour helped to keep him alive for a time, while the weaponry he’s outfitted with makes him one of the most powerful members of the Avengers. Of course, his expertise with gadgets looks set to backfire on Iron Man and the rest of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes as Tony will soon be revealed as being responsible for creating Ultron, the robotic baddie who will look to take down the team in 2015’s Avengers: Age of Ultron.

1. Batman

That’s right, it’s the Caped Crusader who beats Iron Man to the top spot! Whether it’s his trusty Batarangs or a Batmobile which transforms into a Batbike (better known to fans of The Dark Knight Trilogy as the Tumbler and Batpod), this is a superhero who knows his way around gadgets. Batman’s earlier films featured a variety of them, ranging from wacky to downright weird, but it’s the most recent movies featuring this iconic DC character that we’re choosing to focus on here.

Over the course of those three big screen adventures, Bruce Wayne utilised devices to make bats his camouflage in Batman Begins, spy on everyone in Gotham City to find The Joker in The Dark Knight and debuted a nifty EMP gun in The Dark Knight Rises. So, yeah, he could take down Iron Man…

To start building your collection, superhero or otherwise, click here to see the latest office gadgets.



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