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The Lost Finale – What Did You Think?


class=”alignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-10664″ title=”Lost Logo” src=”https://www.heyuguys.com/images/2010/01/Lost-Logo-220×150.jpg” alt=”” width=”220″ height=”150″ />I’m writing this post rather prematurely as I’m personally sill an hour and a half before the final episode as it’s streaming live in the UK together with the West coast of the US. But, I just found out that the East Coast of the US is 3 hours ahead and therefore know how this frustratingly brilliant TV series ends.

Therefore, I thought it was time to put up the ‘What did you think of the Lost finale?’ post. So, if you’ve not seen the end of J.J. Abrams’ series, careful reading the comments people send in but when you’ve seen it, add your thoughts in the comments below.

P.S. My favourite line from the end: Hurley to Jack – “Jack, I believe in you dude!”


  1. I loved this show, it is one of the most amazing show and very popular also. The television series Lost had come to an end,Lost ended last night. Everyone loves to see characters who haven't been around for a while. I really appreciate the work of all. Great show and as we all know it made history.

  2. Fantastic ending, but they left a lot of stuff unexplained. The only one that really bugs me is the numbers from Hurley and the hatch. I'm not sure about the big twist at the end for the flash sideways, but it was a moving ending.

  3. Fantastic ending, but they left a lot of stuff unexplained. The only one that really bugs me is the numbers from Hurley and the hatch. I'm not sure about the big twist at the end for the flash sideways, but it was a moving ending.

  4. The numbers themselves were the numbers of the candidates not crossed off by jacob, but how they were made 'special' was left undecided

  5. I was cynical, and not all that bothered heading into the finale – however, and gladly, I'm satisfied by the ending and actually don't care about the unresolved mysteries… well, until I start to digest what happened anyway

  6. Utter Bollox
    This ending was evident in season 1 and to think they dragged it out for 6 years, regardless how good the story was in between, just annoys me.
    This was so obvious, I really thought these writers had more imagination.

    Sad ending to what could and should, have been so much better

  7. i LOVED that Vincent was there at the end with Jack. Did Walts special powers ever get explained? When did they die? Cause i know they were all dead at the end but the plane flew away so surely that means that because of how important their time was together that this is where they came when they died and as they knew each other, so i could have been at a different time. I know it was a place they created to be together but they weren't all dead on the island in the first place. And what the hell happened to Frank? cause he wasnt in the dead world. How come Alex and Danielle didnt remember? Where they just their for Ben? Was the man in black every image we saw on the island like lenard? and that time when vincent was looking at the islanders? What about the black horse? the list goes on.

  8. you've got it wrong mate.
    they were alive and well all the time. when someone died, their purgatory was that alternate timeline where the plane didn't crash.
    charlie did drown, claire had aaron on the island, alex did get shot etc. etc.

    when a character died, whether it be now or 50 years in the future they went to that timeline to come to terms with their death and be with those that meant the most to them, hence the fantastically done reuinions of charlie/claire, jack/kate, sawyer/juliet

  9. I thought it was a brilliant ending! Maybe I'm wrong about all of this but this is how I took it:

    The 'flash-sideways' were all of them in purgatory, or whatever you want to call it – some sort of afterlife from which they couldn't move on until they found their trigger character to make them remember. The fact that Hurley says to Ben that he was a great number 2 says to me that they all lived out their lives, and then of course eventually died. So I guess Frank, Richard, Sawyer, Miles, Kate and Claire all got off the island on the plane and lived out the rest of their lives. Hurley and Ben stayed to look after the island, Jack died having saved the island… Everyone died at different times – some sooner than others (as Christian said), but in the end they all ended up in this afterlife, waiting for one another before they could move on.

    As for all the other characters – I guess you could say they weren't integral enough to the main group, which I'd say is a bit harsh. More than likely I'd put it down to the actors not being available or some corporate/legal wranglings… I dunno, I'm clutching at straws on that one!

    As for the island, I think it was all it was made out to be: a weird place with special properties, but entirely real – and in the real world. But the fact that they left all of this semi-unexplained will mean that there will always be that mystery. After all, the characters themselves didn't really understand. Jacob didn't understand, nor his mother, so why should we? That'll upset a lot of people, but I think they did the right thing.

    This guys blog post helped me clear most of it up in my head, so I can't and won't take credit for all of what I've written here. Well worth a read:


    I love how he picked up on (I totally missed it!!) the Sawyer and Juliette scene, and the metaphor for turning the vending machine off then on again (the light on the island – causing Locke to become mortal once again), and how it was technically legal (not breaking any of the islands' rules).

    Hats off to them. Its been an epic ride.

    twitter @RichAddis

  10. you've got it wrong mate.
    they were alive and well all the time. when someone died, their purgatory was that alternate timeline where the plane didn't crash.
    charlie did drown, claire had aaron on the island, alex did get shot etc. etc.

    when a character died, whether it be now or 50 years in the future they went to that timeline to come to terms with their death and be with those that meant the most to them, hence the fantastically done reuinions of charlie/claire, jack/kate, sawyer/juliet

  11. I thought it was a brilliant ending! Maybe I'm wrong about all of this but this is how I took it:

    The 'flash-sideways' were all of them in purgatory, or whatever you want to call it – some sort of afterlife from which they couldn't move on until they found their trigger character to make them remember. The fact that Hurley says to Ben that he was a great number 2 says to me that they all lived out their lives, and then of course eventually died. So I guess Frank, Richard, Sawyer, Miles, Kate and Claire all got off the island on the plane and lived out the rest of their lives. Hurley and Ben stayed to look after the island, Jack died having saved the island… Everyone died at different times – some sooner than others (as Christian said), but in the end they all ended up in this afterlife, waiting for one another before they could move on.

    As for all the other characters – I guess you could say they weren't integral enough to the main group, which I'd say is a bit harsh. More than likely I'd put it down to the actors not being available or some corporate/legal wranglings… I dunno, I'm clutching at straws on that one!

    As for the island, I think it was all it was made out to be: a weird place with special properties, but entirely real – and in the real world. But the fact that they left all of this semi-unexplained will mean that there will always be that mystery. After all, the characters themselves didn't really understand. Jacob didn't understand, nor his mother, so why should we? That'll upset a lot of people, but I think they did the right thing.

    This guys blog post helped me clear most of it up in my head, so I can't and won't take credit for all of what I've written here. Well worth a read:


    I love how he picked up on (I totally missed it!!) the Sawyer and Juliette scene, and the metaphor for turning the vending machine off then on again (the light on the island – causing Locke to become mortal once again), and how it was technically legal (not breaking any of the islands' rules).

    Hats off to them. Its been an epic ride.

    twitter @RichAddis

  12. I really enjoyed the ending, I have spent six years with lost sometimes getting it right, sometimes getting it wrong. I loved the ending, I guessed the whole jacobs ladder a wlong time ago but they threw me off the scent with the flash sideways/alternative timeline, I don't really care about any unanswered questions as I feel they are irrelavent. I thought the ending was very poignant but it all made sense. Loved the bit with Vincent laying next to Jack and it all coming full circle back to the way it started. All the seasons were written like that, I loved it, very sad to see it go…. weep weep

  13. I really enjoyed the ending, I have spent six years with lost sometimes getting it right, sometimes getting it wrong. I loved the ending, I guessed the whole jacobs ladder a wlong time ago but they threw me off the scent with the flash sideways/alternative timeline, I don't really care about any unanswered questions as I feel they are irrelavent. I thought the ending was very poignant but it all made sense. Loved the bit with Vincent laying next to Jack and it all coming full circle back to the way it started. All the seasons were written like that, I loved it, very sad to see it go…. weep weep

  14. We can pontificate forever if we wish. The only things I know for sure is that I have never watched anything in my life than I watched this. I have thoroughly enjoyed the show. There's no need to explain every twist and turn, just accept that this was about Jack accepting his life, it's meaning and it's end and in so doing and you've probably understood enough.

    As a small aside I thought the symphonic music played during the final few minutes was utterly beatiful.

    All the best.

  15. We can pontificate forever if we wish. The only things I know for sure is that I have never watched anything in my life than I watched this. I have thoroughly enjoyed the show. There's no need to explain every twist and turn, just accept that this was about Jack accepting his life, it's meaning and it's end and in so doing and you've probably understood enough.

    As a small aside I thought the symphonic music played during the final few minutes was utterly beatiful.

    All the best.

  16. An amazing series. Possibly the most gripping drama in TV history. I felt as others possibly did some sense of loss when it ended. we all came to know the characters so well. The questions of life and death will always remain unanswered to us here and the climax is set in a timelessness that a ponderous examination would only ruin simply because we don't have to have EVERYTHING explained to us. Possibly they lived out their lives as suggested and perhaps the Island is a place to be returned to and rediscovered by a new set of adventurers (unwitting or otherwise). There is certainly mileage in a series or mini series depicting this. I felt that the entire series dealt well with death, transition and our mythological, theological and philosophical struggles with the realms of heaven and hell, good and bad and life and death…. the finale was perfect. I wasn't looking for the BIG answer – there isn't one.

  17. The main/most important questions were answered but as someone has said the 'special' numbers should have been explained, and Walts 'powers'. I first thought i wasn't happy with the ending but it was just because i didn't want it to end, i now think the ending was very good and i don't think it could have been done a lot better.

  18. I thought I was a very good ending to lost. Who cares about the loose ends? You can't please everybody so why try? My personal take on the ending was that everybody died when the original plane crashed and everybody from that point was finding their way back.

  19. I thought I was a very good ending to lost. Who cares about the loose ends? You can't please everybody so why try? My personal take on the ending was that everybody died when the original plane crashed and everybody from that point was finding their way back.

  20. I didn't have the chance to see the finale…so JUST TELL ME, STRAIGHT OUT. DID EVERYONE DIE AT THE END ????? Did ANYONE survive ???

  21. i agree with luke johnson
    great ending, so emotional and brilliant to have the cast back together at the end, yes it could have been answered a tad more but what do you people want a list? it would of looked stupid

  22. I'm also confused but I have my own theories, just like everyone else I suppose. I believe that the Oceanic 815 passangers were in fact alive on the island after the first crash and that the flash-sideways' was the characters pergatory after they died, despite it being better than their original life. I think the crashed plane at the very end was the Ajira plane, however as the plane flies over Jack, it seems to be perfectly fine and it never shows whether or not it crashes…. ugh there are just so many questions, I along with all of you could go on like this for hours! I guess the writers and producers didn't want it to all make sense, but maybe they don't realize that people, like me, are going insane over trying to fit all the LOST puzzle pieces together. I really wish they would make a LOST for Dummies book, it would be of so much help!!

  23. I'm also confused but I have my own theories, just like everyone else I suppose. I believe that the Oceanic 815 passangers were in fact alive on the island after the first crash and that the flash-sideways' was the characters pergatory after they died, despite it being better than their original life. I think the crashed plane at the very end was the Ajira plane, however as the plane flies over Jack, it seems to be perfectly fine and it never shows whether or not it crashes…. ugh there are just so many questions, I along with all of you could go on like this for hours! I guess the writers and producers didn't want it to all make sense, but maybe they don't realize that people, like me, are going insane over trying to fit all the LOST puzzle pieces together. I really wish they would make a LOST for Dummies book, it would be of so much help!!

  24. they are all dead at air crash. They were at purgatory and their soul are free now. Do you really think that it is a fantastic finish for 6 years.

  25. they are all dead at air crash. They were at purgatory and their soul are free now. Do you really think that it is a fantastic finish for 6 years.

  26. No, I feel there are a lot of people who have got the wrong end of the stick with the ending… Everything that happened on the island was real. ONLY the flash-sideways were purgatory in season 6. When people died along the way, they would have entered this purgatory world, but as Christian says, there isn't a where or when in purgatory, so the passage of time is irrelevant. They all (unwittingly/subconsciously?!) invented that location and time frame so they could all find each other.

    If you think about it, instead, they could have solely used flash forwards in season 6 to show them all when they got back to the real world and all lived happily ever after. But they didn't. The flash-sideways added a brand new dimension to the final season, and also added a whole 'spirituality' element.

    The more I've thought about it, it actually seems quite juxtaposed to the other 5 seasons, because they're suddenly throwing in this semi-religious aspect. I actually laughed out loud at the start of the finale when Kate said 'Christian Shepherd?! Seriously?' because I'd honestly never realised before!

    The reason certain people not being in the church was because they were not integral to the group (I've changed my mind now after reading a heap of others thoughts). This is backed up when Elouise asks Desmond is he's taking her son (Daniel) away with them, and Dez says “not with me, no”. Because Daniel will have his own group – with Charlotte included.

    Another thing that people have been asking is what happens to the plane survivors? I think they make it home, the reason for this is Kate saying 'I've missed you so much' to Jack, which, to me, implies that she's been away from him for a very long time, having lived out her life back home.

    But again, I'm glad they didn't explain everything. If the characters didn't understand, then we shouldn't either. Maybe we'll find out in time via Lindelof and Cuse, or (god forbid) an ill conceived spin off.

    I for one prefer not knowing.

  27. No, I feel there are a lot of people who have got the wrong end of the stick with the ending… Everything that happened on the island was real. ONLY the flash-sideways were purgatory in season 6. When people died along the way, they would have entered this purgatory world, but as Christian says, there isn't a where or when in purgatory, so the passage of time is irrelevant. They all (unwittingly/subconsciously?!) invented that location and time frame so they could all find each other.

    If you think about it, instead, they could have solely used flash forwards in season 6 to show them all when they got back to the real world and all lived happily ever after. But they didn't. The flash-sideways added a brand new dimension to the final season, and also added a whole 'spirituality' element.

    The more I've thought about it, it actually seems quite juxtaposed to the other 5 seasons, because they're suddenly throwing in this semi-religious aspect. I actually laughed out loud at the start of the finale when Kate said 'Christian Shepherd?! Seriously?' because I'd honestly never realised before!

    The reason certain people not being in the church was because they were not integral to the group (I've changed my mind now after reading a heap of others thoughts). This is backed up when Elouise asks Desmond is he's taking her son (Daniel) away with them, and Dez says “not with me, no”. Because Daniel will have his own group – with Charlotte included.

    Another thing that people have been asking is what happens to the plane survivors? I think they make it home, the reason for this is Kate saying 'I've missed you so much' to Jack, which, to me, implies that she's been away from him for a very long time, having lived out her life back home.

    But again, I'm glad they didn't explain everything. If the characters didn't understand, then we shouldn't either. Maybe we'll find out in time via Lindelof and Cuse, or (god forbid) an ill conceived spin off.

    I for one prefer not knowing.

  28. right alot of people have different theorys on what it all ment but this is what i think and im pretty sure its right … the life where they didnt crash was set off by julliette setting off the bomb and was timeless, thats why boon was still his age, also if you remember jack had that cut on his neck a few episodes before lock actually cut him there, that explains the fact that sawyer and kate etc were there, because it was timeless. The plane jack saw before he died was the plane sawyer and kate ect was on not 'his' plane from 3 years ago. The island was all real and the whole life there was. Even the life after the bomb was as it was an after life, not a dream or an imagination.

  29. right alot of people have different theorys on what it all ment but this is what i think and im pretty sure its right … the life where they didnt crash was set off by julliette setting off the bomb and was timeless, thats why boon was still his age, also if you remember jack had that cut on his neck a few episodes before lock actually cut him there, that explains the fact that sawyer and kate etc were there, because it was timeless. The plane jack saw before he died was the plane sawyer and kate ect was on not 'his' plane from 3 years ago. The island was all real and the whole life there was. Even the life after the bomb was as it was an after life, not a dream or an imagination.

  30. Thank you, everyone, for NOT answering my original questions. Guess this blog is a analytical bull pen…only for the braniacs. I didn't want all the silly takes on the end…just whether everyone died. Thanks for ignoring my question my simple question :o(

  31. Sorry!

    Kate, Sawyer, Claire, Frank and Miles escape the island on the plane – they are now able to leave because Jacob's rules about who can come and go no longer apply now he is dead.

    Hurley survives and takes over running the island, with Ben as his #2. Desmond is with them, and Ben suggests Hurley's first task be to help Desmond get home.

    Rose and Bernard (I assume) carry on living their lives on the island.

    Vincent is alive also at this stage. In fact the only people who we see dying in the episode are the man in black/Locke, and Jack.

    At the VERY VERY end, everyone is dead, and the flash sideways turn out to be them in purgatory. This is kind of a 'timeless' place, and we find out that everyone there is dead, although they may not have died at the same time.

    There you go!

  32. Clear as mud. So where is Michael and Walt? And what happens to the dog (who's name eludes me!)? Did he go to doggy Heaven? Or maybe the Isle of Dogs?!

    Sorry, couldn't resisit that one!

  33. Thanks Rich :o)… The whole series was sorta like “Carnival”, “The Sopranos” on HBO, or Heros. The erratic story lines became annoying, confusing and I just lost interest in it. No real answers to any of the hyped questions. Just left everyone hanging in mid air, going “WTF”. Story lines that jump all over the place. I got a distinct impression that the writers had no idea where to go after the 2nd season of Lost and were blindly searching for a unified story plot…that never culminated. I'll be careful of programs like those mentioned above, from here on out. The first season of such programs is usually the best one, in my opinion. After that, it's all too frustrating, too stressful and disappointing. The world is already stressful enough today. Programs like Lost, just add to the stress level. I watch alittle TV to get a release from some of it, not to add to it. Thanks Rich…sounds I missed alot of added stress. ;o)

  34. Thanks Rich :o)… The whole series was sorta like “Carnival”, “The Sopranos” on HBO, or Heros. The erratic story lines became annoying, confusing and I just lost interest in it. No real answers to any of the hyped questions. Just left everyone hanging in mid air, going “WTF”. Story lines that jump all over the place. I got a distinct impression that the writers had no idea where to go after the 2nd season of Lost and were blindly searching for a unified story plot…that never culminated. I'll be careful of programs like those mentioned above, from here on out. The first season of such programs is usually the best one, in my opinion. After that, it's all too frustrating, too stressful and disappointing. The world is already stressful enough today. Programs like Lost, just add to the stress level. I watch alittle TV to get a release from some of it, not to add to it. Thanks Rich…sounds I missed alot of added stress. ;o)

  35. Ha, yeah, as pixie1223 said, the dog is Vincent.

    But yeah, I wanted to know what happened to Walt and Michael, I'm with you on that!! All we got was that Michael ended up as one of the 'whispers' on the island after he was killed when the freighter blew up (if I remember right?!).

    As for Walt….. I have nooooooooo idea!

  36. Yeah I know what you mean, I got a bit bored after season 3, then spent last summer catching up with the box sets.

    They've always said that they knew the ending and where they were going, and how many seasons there would be… but I guess with any long running series, its the week-to-week subplots which need to be constantly good to keep people interested. The overall story arc can be pure gold, but if the bits in between aren't good enough, then it's ruined. I always thought that the story-lines were very good, but if you missed even one or two episodes along the way you were pretty much scuppered!

    You're probably right that they didn't have much of an idea, I guess to plan out six seasons worth is a lot of up-front time, money and effort in such a fickle market when we all know how quickly things can get cancelled!

    I'm getting a bit to involved in commenting on this blog so I think I'll bow out now, let some other people argue! 🙂

  37. Ha, yeah, as pixie1223 said, the dog is Vincent.

    But yeah, I wanted to know what happened to Walt and Michael, I'm with you on that!! All we got was that Michael ended up as one of the 'whispers' on the island after he was killed when the freighter blew up (if I remember right?!).

    As for Walt….. I have nooooooooo idea!

  38. Yeah I know what you mean, I got a bit bored after season 3, then spent last summer catching up with the box sets.

    They've always said that they knew the ending and where they were going, and how many seasons there would be… but I guess with any long running series, its the week-to-week subplots which need to be constantly good to keep people interested. The overall story arc can be pure gold, but if the bits in between aren't good enough, then it's ruined. I always thought that the story-lines were very good, but if you missed even one or two episodes along the way you were pretty much scuppered!

    You're probably right that they didn't have much of an idea, I guess to plan out six seasons worth is a lot of up-front time, money and effort in such a fickle market when we all know how quickly things can get cancelled!

    I'm getting a bit to involved in commenting on this blog so I think I'll bow out now, let some other people argue! 🙂

  39. THANK GOD FOR RICH!!!!! Ive spent the past 2 days trying to get my co-workers to realize that everyone didnt die in the original plane crash! They are all on different schedules so about 3-4 times a day i have to re-hash the whole “they didnt die on the plane. they died in thier own time. everything on the island was real. blah blah blah.” i thought for a while maybe i had it wrong because no one shared my take on it. im sooooo glad someone else out there gets it. well done.

  40. Haha, yeah I've been struggling to hold it together when trying to explain it to a lot of my friends!!

    I didn't think it was that unclear in the show?! I think a lot of people heard Jack say “I'm dead too” then switched off and thought 'oh for gods sake, I knew it from day 1!' without actually listening and figuring out what actually was going on.

    I've signed up to the new forum on HeyUGuys, so look forward to chatting to all of you over there! 🙂

  41. THANK GOD FOR RICH!!!!! Ive spent the past 2 days trying to get my co-workers to realize that everyone didnt die in the original plane crash! They are all on different schedules so about 3-4 times a day i have to re-hash the whole “they didnt die on the plane. they died in thier own time. everything on the island was real. blah blah blah.” i thought for a while maybe i had it wrong because no one shared my take on it. im sooooo glad someone else out there gets it. well done.

  42. Haha, yeah I've been struggling to hold it together when trying to explain it to a lot of my friends!!

    I didn't think it was that unclear in the show?! I think a lot of people heard Jack say “I'm dead too” then switched off and thought 'oh for gods sake, I knew it from day 1!' without actually listening and figuring out what actually was going on.

    I've signed up to the new forum on HeyUGuys, so look forward to chatting to all of you over there! 🙂

  43. I still can't figure out what Whitmore wanted with the Island? Can anyone enlighten me? (pardon the pun!) Where were Michael and Walt at the end? What was supposed to be so special about Walt?

  44. you thought it was a good ending but yet you think everyone died in the original crash.. lol


  45. you thought it was a good ending but yet you think everyone died in the original crash.. lol


  46. The writers do not deserve credit for the finale although the last 6 years of lost have been great! They REALLY lost their nerve, instead of taking the risk of being ridiculed for coming up with something scientific / fantasy they went for the soppy emotional ending that so many people find “ah, beautiful” – a real crap ending to 6 great years of lost

  47. The writers do not deserve credit for the finale although the last 6 years of lost have been great! They REALLY lost their nerve, instead of taking the risk of being ridiculed for coming up with something scientific / fantasy they went for the soppy emotional ending that so many people find “ah, beautiful” – a real crap ending to 6 great years of lost

  48. How could they had the collective thought of the island and everything that happened when they were on it when the touched each other in the alternate 'universe' if they had all died right when the plane crashed? Stupid..

  49. Hi I started watching this on TV and watched many episodes before I finally Lost the plot, literally, with it. I began to feel like they were making it up as they went along and there were too many loose ends. Having invested much time in it I wanted to see the ending and find out what it was all about. I watched the last series I have read the comments. I thought the idea was that they had all died in the crash…that makes the most sense but feels at bit like the endings on school essays when you ran out of time “I woke up and it had all been a dream”. If they did live and go to the island then there are so many things that make no sense I cant even begin to think about them. My head will pop. I know its fiction and fantasy and I love unsual film like Fight Club where things aren’t what they seem. But I want to go ahhhh! at the end when I understand. I am currently going errrrrr? I feel like I have wasted alot of time on this. I thought the characters were well written or perhaps just well interpreted by the actors, who I thought were all brilliant. Cant think of a bad one actually. If i have one major question though its why the doctor was the main character. I really couldnt root for him and didnt really think his journey was very interesting. Sawyer would have had it for me and I think always made a more compelling companion for Kate.

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