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The HeyUGuys Interview – Director Juan Antonio Bayona Talks The Impossible


class=”alignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-171087″ alt=”Juan-Antonio-Bayona-The-Impossible” src=”https://www.heyuguys.com/images/2012/12/Juan-Antonio-Bayona-The-Impossible-220×150.jpg” width=”220″ height=”150″ />Earlier in the year, I got to interview Director Juan Antonio Bayona for his movie The Impossible. Starring Ewan McGregor, Naomi Watts and Tom Holland, The Impossible tells the real-life story of a family who get caught in the 2004 tsunami which struck the Indian Ocean. The wave struck he coastline of Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, the Maldives and Thailand where the movie is set. 300 000 people tragically lost their lives in what is still one of the deadliest natural disasters in recorded history.

The family in the movie are played by Ewan McGregor, Naomi Watts and Tom Holland, Oaklee Pendergast and Samuel Joslin and is a story which will fail to leave an impression. I spoke with Juan about how the movie first came about, what it was like shooting in the actual location where the wave hit and how taking on this huge movie was such a logistical challenge.

The Impossible is released in the UK 1st January and I advise you to take some tissues as it’s an extremely powerful and movie story about how powerful the human spirit can be in the most severe of circumstances,

Look out for our interview tomorrow with Naomi Watts and Maria Belon (who Naomi plays in the movie).

[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5O-E5dX5o0′]


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