Yesterday was a great day right until the end of it. I attended my first interactive panels to find out more about how I can make integrate HeyUGuys into the social media world even more than we do already. The good news is that we seem to be doing OK but as always people, if ever we can make your viewing experience better, please do let us know. You’ll see a few new applications begin to appear over the month or so of with some of them when they’re released.
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Last night was the big night at the HP Trailer Park which has served as my home since we’ve been here at SXSW. Although we don’t cover music, the experience last night in the park was amazing. Around 300 people turned up for the free BBQ and concert where UK band, Nightmare and the Cat were playing . My trailer was literally shaking as they entertained the SXSW delegates who were lucky enough to get it. No films will be playing in the park unfortunately but if they do this again, I’ll definitely be recommending they try and get an outside cinema experiences as I think it’ll go down really well! Don’t forget, you can follow all the action from the mobile park by following the hash tag #HPsxsw & #HPMobilePark.
After this, I headed off to the Vimeo party at a venue called The Power Station which is pretty much much similar to Battersea Power Station but five or six times smaller. The venue is still massive though and really shows how fantastic a venue like Battersea could be if someone would actually decide what to do with it!
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This is where the fun began. We left the party for the midnight showing of Bridesmaids which followed the Pail Premiere. It still seemed rather odd that the US still didn’t have Paul even though it was released a month or more ago back in the US. I’m not used to seeing movies before our US counterparts! So, Bridesmaids (A work in Progress), I haven’t had time to write a review yet but suffice to say it was actually very good. Although the movie was said to be a work in progress, director Paul Feig was on stage to introduce the movie and he was obviously very proud of it and so he should be. Kristen Wiig is fantastic in it along with her co-stars. There are three or four unforgettable scenes in it which you must look out for. These include The Flight, Wedding Shower and the Dress Fitting. The Audience was in fits of laughter throughout the movie and I have a feeling it will be the surprise hit of the year. It’s definitely not a female version of The Hangover but it’s a standalone funny comedy (which actually makes you laugh) and I think will do very well.
All was well until about now. We left the Paramount Theatre where the movie was being screened and I noticed the person beside me had left his Amazon Kindle. I left the theatre looking for him or someone who looked official to give the Kindle to. A tip from me is if you’re walking down stairs, always make sure that you look out for that final step. I managed to miss it and completely stacked it falling to the ground in a bundle of people twisting my ankle. The pain shot down to my foot and I thought I’d broken it. In the next 100 milliseconds (give or take a few), thoughts went through my head included, ‘am I insured?’, ‘do I look like as much of an idiot as I feel?’ (yes was the answer to that one!) and finally, ‘am i now going to faint’ (cos I felt like I was!).
Laying down on the stairs at the Paramount was rather surreal and the next thing I remember is waking up, starring at a ceiling, not knowing where on Earth I was with a woman shouting “He’s having a seizure!!!” which looking back was all rather surreal. Surrounding my were Austins’s finest Police officers, multiple security guards from the venue, Paramount staff and a very worried looking Universal Representative!!
Upon reassuring all and sundry that I was OK, and canceling the EMT (that’s a Paramedic I think!?) i managed to stand up and hobble home with my new friend Ty Cooper who was my savour for the night. Thanks for looking after me Ty.
So there we have it. My experience of the day was fun and memorable but ended in a way I hope never happens again. Remember people, always watch your step, especially at the Paramount, Austin.
Right, time to head off to the AICN panel and get ready for the AICN secret screening tonight. Exciting times!