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Suicide Squad star Jared Leto suits back up as The Joker for new music video


Suicide Squad is the latest movie to create a divide between fans and critics, but arguably the most surprising complaints are the ones levelled at Jared Leto’s Joker. After months of hearing how the Oscar winning actor went method for the role by sending his co-stars some bizarre gifts and staying in character on set, not everyone liked his Clown Prince of Crime.

The biggest issue however seems to be that he simply isn’t in the movie enough, so thank goodness for this new music video which puts the iconic Batman villain front and centre.

Titled “Purple Lamborghini” and performed by Skrillex & Rick Ross, the video doesn’t exactly feature The Joker doing much, but it’s still pretty cool and will no doubt make fans even more desperate to see the villain return to the DC Films Universe in the near future.

There’s been a lot of speculation that we’ll see Leto reprise the role in Justice League, but that seems to stem from the fact that the actor visited London a few weeks back. It’s far more likely that we’ll see The Joker return in the Ben Affleck helmed The Batman, but time will tell as that highly anticipated movie is still at least a couple of years away right now.


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