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Will Suicide Squad 2 be the platform we finally get to meet Dwayne Johnson’s Black Adam?


Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is looking for world domination and his DCEU introduction if the latest rumours are to be believed, Suicide Squad 2 could serve as that platform with an appearance for Johnson’s super villain, Black Adam.

Johnson had previously hinted earlier in the year that we could be seeing Black Adam sooner than we expect stating, “We have a really cool surprise for Black Adam that I can’t reveal, in terms of where we will see Black Adam being introduced.”

The Suicide Squad sequel could very well be that platform with the story focusing on the team tracking down a weapon of mass destruction that could come in the form of the villain Johnson has been attached to play since 2008. Black Adam’s own stand-alone production will not be materialising anytime soon as the picture still is yet to find a writer or director to move the project forward.

Suicide Squad 2 - Black Adam

Originally, Black Adam was a corrupted, ancient Egyptian predecessor of Captain Marvel, who fought his way to modern times to challenge the hero and his Marvel Family associates. Since the turn of the 21st century, however, Black Adam has been re-defined by DC Comics writers as a corrupted antihero attempting to clear his name and reputation.

Gavin O’Connor is looking the most likely suspect to pen the sequel which is due to start filming in approximately a year’s time in October 2018. Although the original made a staggering amount at the box office, the film was critically panned, Johnson’s arrival could be just what this saga needs to give it a boot up the backside, after all, who doesn’t like Johnson?

Johnson isn’t one for letting the grass grow under his feet, He already has a jam-packed scheduled ahead of him with the Fast and Furious Spin-off with Jason Statham in the pipeline as well as Disney’s Jungle Cruise and a potential fifth season of the HBO show Ballers.


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