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Sponsored Video: Singing Live on the set of Les Misérables


Tom Hooper’s triumph at the Oscars for The King’s Speech was well deserved and when the dust settled and it was announced that he would take on one of the world’s most acclaimed musicals as his next project we’ve been waiting to see how the director would make Les Misérables his own.

The first trailer and poster were released recently and a picture emerged of a faithful adaptation along with a gritty realism vital to the impact of the story on the big screen. This video shows off how far Hooper is going to ensure that his version of Les Misérables will be like no other. Here the cast talk over the impact on them, and the film, of the decision to have the actors singing live on set and it’s a compelling case they make.

Anne Hathaway is featured towards the end talking of her experiences singing as Fantine on set, how the emotion of the moment isn’t trapped in a recording booth a month or two before standing on set. Hugh Jackman and Eddie Redmayne concur and we get to hear Jackman give an example of how the different takes allow him to inflect his lyrics to bring different meaning to the song, followed by a glimpse of the final version as he performed it on set.

What you get here is a sense of scale and love for the film and while I’ve been fairly reserved in my desire to see the film but there’s something evident in this clip which gives me hope that Hooper and his cast can pull off something serious and heartfelt.

Les Misérables is out in the US on Christmas Day and comes to the UK a few weeks later. Expect to see this one next year, around Oscar time.

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