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Sex and the City 3 Not Happening? Great!


Today is a good day.

After performing admirably at the box office, a second sequel to Sex and the City seemed almost inevitable. Almost. According to star Kristen Davis, who was asked by E! Online whether or not a third big screen outing was in the works, “I don’t think so, not that I know of.”

Sounding almost regretful (“I wish it was so that we were continuing but I don’t know.”), Davis is not exactly channeling the general consensus. Blaming the media for hyping it up and then knocking it down, Davis apparently remains ignorant to the indifference that greeted Sex and the City 2 from both fans and sceptics alike.

Deemed to have jumped the cocktail, Sex and the City 2 has since been criticised on gender and racial grounds, as well as for being a bit rubbish.

And with a collective shrug, the world is free of Carrie Bradshaw.

Reported by Steven Neish


  1. Okay I agree that SATC2 was kinda ignorant of cultural differences between the USA and the UAE but I was looking forward to SATC3. I can't remember where I read it but it was going to be Carrie growing up and how she came to be in New York. So actually there's no guarantee the original cast would necersarily be involved. I can see this your opinion but SATC franchise is and properly will always be for the girlies.

    There are so many films out there that have a very male attitude to life and to sex (just look at the American Pie franchise), here is a franchise of films for the ladies, I'm not saying that every girlie is the same and that they all love SATC because I know some who couldn't be bothered whether another sequel came out or not. Also there are a small selection of guys out there who really like SATC I'm just saying don't be so sceptical.

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