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Portman to Engage the Undead in Pride and Prejudice and Zombies


papazAlmost a year ago I posted this story about the publication of Seth Grahame-Smith’s bastardisation of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice to include zombies.

Time has proven that the reading public were poised to enjoyed the collision of undead horders and the Hertfordshire militia, and the book has been a success, spawning its own imitators.

Success begets success, and Lionsgate have agreed to finance and distribute the film adaptation with Natalie Portman in the iconic role of Miss Elizabeth Bennett, according to Variety. 

For those of you who can’t see the woods for the zombies, I’m assured that the book is a curious, hilarious take on the social frenzy of the Bennetts and their respective beaus in amidst a zombie invasion, and should make for a great fun film. A zom-rom-com, not unlike the great Shaun of the Dead. 

More on this as we get it.


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    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by HeyUGuys Movie News, Iris de Andrade. Iris de Andrade said: Woot! Woot! RT @heyuguysblog: Portman to Engage the Undead in Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: http://bit.ly/6h2B4b […]

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    This post was mentioned on Twitter by heyuguysblog: Portman to Engage the Undead in Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: .

  3. I tried reading that drivel once and could not get past the first pages. I found no originality whatsoever and could not believe people would read something so below par. How fan-fic like writting could constantly be published while other exceptionally talented writers are struggling to make it is beyond me. And now they are making a movie?? Has Hollywood run out of good ideas so soon? I guess considering what passes for a “good” movie these days they most likely have.

    Yes, I am ranting. If you disagree and have somthing to back it up, please convince me otherwise. I'm starting to lose hope in the human race (perhaps zombies got to them).

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