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Oldboy Auteur Phones in his Latest Project


Famed South Korean director Park Chan-wook is well-known for creating indelible images in his feature film, but for his new project (which was screened for journalists earlier in the week), the filmmaker opted for a very different method of capturing the action. It was filmed entirely on an iPhone 4!

The 30-minute short, which is entitled Paranmanjang (Korean for Ups and Downs) is a stylised look at life and death, which begins with a middle-aged man on a fishing trip, who happens to find the body of a woman tangled up in his net. It was made in conjunction with KT Corp (a wireless operator that is the exclusive distributor of iPhone in South Korea) who contributed to a portion of the 0,000 in production costs.

The Oldboy director teamed up with his younger brother Park Chan-kyong to shoot the film which, regardless of the size of equipment used, was treated as a normal production:

“From hunting for a film location, shooting auditions, to doing a documentary on the filming process, everything was shot with the iPhone 4. We went through all the same film-making processes except that the camera was small.”

Paranmanjang is due to be screened at nine cinemas nationwide later this month.

News courtesy of The Wall Street Journal.


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