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New Spider-Man Still Shows He’s Ready For Action


With all of the summer’s big hitters gearing up for the home stretch of post-production, editing, looping, scoring and the like, we can expect a steady stream of stills, trailers, clips and so forth to issue out of the machine that is the Wood of Holly. Indeed, it is less than a month until Super Bowl Sunday in the US, when there will be a massive splurge of TV spots for every summer release you can think of, but in the meantime we have at least a new still from Marvel’s The Amazing Spider-Man, which (come July) will tell us how well audiences will respond to a reboot of what has until now been their most financially and critically successful character.

Much as I enjoyed the first two Raimi Spider-flicks (and I really, really did), I’m far from in thrall to his vision of the web-slinging one and I am keen to see what a lower budget, a more stripped back iteration of the character and Andrew Garfield’s acting chops make of Spidey.

Until we get something more meaty (and a proper trailer cannot surely be far off), we have this still from Entertainment Weekly, via ComicBookMovie.com to enjoy, with a mask-less Peter Parker readying to spin some web and leap into action. He seems to have the characterisation of Parker and Spider-Man nailed down from the little we have seen so far. Here’s hoping for a cracking film….


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