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Peter Parker is getting a spectacular new addition to his costume in Spider-Man: Homecoming

Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist, Tailor.


The first trailer for Spider-Man: Homecoming is expected to be released alongside Rogue One: A Star Wars Story later this month, but fans at Brazil’s CCXP today were lucky enough to catch a sneak peek of the teaser. As expected, various descriptions have surfaced, and they confirm that Peter Parker will receive a costume upgrade courtesy of Tony Stark.

Apparently, it’s Jon Favreau’s Happy Hogan who delivers the wall-crawler’s new suit, and he later uses that in a battle against The Vulture. Set in Washington DC rather than New York, Spider-Man apparently leaps from the top of the Washington Monument, spreads his arms, and takes flight thanks to web wings which fans of the comic books should be well aware of.

Present during the character’s first appearance in Amazing Fantasy #15, they’ve never really provided Spider-Man with the ability to fly and have instead been something artists have included depending on whether or not they wanted to! They’re something fans have wanted to see for years though, and the fact that Marvel has found a practical use for them is great!

The decision to set the action outside of the Big Apple is definitely interesting, but with no skyscrapers to swing between, it makes sense that Peter has wings so he too can take flight. Some will no doubt take umbrage with the fact that it’s Iron Man who is making the hero’s tech, but Spider-Man: Homecoming still sounds pretty spectacular despite such niggles.


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