DreamWorks Animation have released a new clip for their upcoming summer sequel, Kung Fu Panda 2 (formerly subtitled The Kaboom of Doom).

Although the latest footage (via Coming Soon) recycles the same “my fist hungers for justice” gag seen previously, it also teases what promises to be an exciting action sequence as Po and the Furious Five face off against a company of wolves.

However much praise the studio’s How to Train Your Dragon might have received, DreamWorks’ recent run of successes started with the Jack Black starring original. This time pitting our heroes against albino peacock Lord Shen, an emperor who has threatened to destroy kung fu with a secret weapon, Kung Fu Panda 2 looks set to have much more to offer than Jack Black’s rumbling stomach.

Kung Fu Panda 2 will arrive in cinemas later this month.