Naruto-Shippuden-Set-13As ever, the English-dubbed versions of Japanese anime continue to be somewhat behind, with the upcoming Naruto Shippuden Set 13 released in Japan way back in late 2010/early 2011. In the States, however, the box set will finally be arriving on DVD next Tuesday, and Warner Bros. have released a new thirty-second TV spot to get you in the mood.

Picking up where the last set of episodes left off, fans of the anime will know that there’s a lot to look forward to in this new set.

“Naruto and his friends successfully decipher the code Jiraiya left behind, but it’s not enough to solve the mystery of Pain. For Naruto, Jiraiya’s passing is more than enough to inspire him to follow Fukasaku to Mount Myoboku, where he begins his training in Sage Jutsu. But will the antsy Naruto ever be able to sit still long enough to achieve Sage Mode? Back in the Leaf Village, disaster strikes when the Six Paths of Pain attack the village, and those dearest to Naruto are thrown into the chaos of battle!”

My personal preference for foreign-language features, TV shows, and anything else lies with subtitles over dubs, which (perhaps especially) extends to anime. For me, the US voiceovers just don’t have the right feel to them. (Though Studio Ghibli’s dubs are a notable exception, never failing to bring an immaculate voice cast for their translations.)

Visually, the new footage below should be more than enough to whet your appetites, with plenty of action and jaw-dropping intrigue coming in this new thirteen-episode collection, regardless of your taste in subtitles/original language. And thankfully, the DVDs will give the option to choose between the two for yourself.

Naruto Shippuden Set 13 will be released on DVD in the US next Tuesday, 29th January, and is currently available for pre-order. Here in the UK, we’re even further behind, with Naruto Shippuden Set 12 due to be released on 18th March, and Set 13 will no doubt arrive a few months down the line. For now, here’s the new thirty-second spot to set the tone. Enjoy.

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