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MUST TRY: Free-to-Play Games on Steam


With Triple-A titles being released at around £40 each, it can be difficult for the dedicated gamer to keep on top of the latest in gaming whilst also keeping on top of their finances. However, Steam offers a whole heap of free-to-play titles to keep you occupied without breaking the bank.

There are also other options thanks to the phenomenal proliferation of the App market. We’ll be taking a look at other options which have become popular since the smartphone craze took off. Freemium content for free games is unavoidable these days, with many of the most popular apps adding bonus content at a cost.

What we’re seeing with these new formats and publishing models is extraordinary. There are also the one off payment options, and Minecraft is easily the most popular example here.

To begin with, we’ll take a look at Steam, and what’s on offer for you to play right now.

Let Jake Mills be your guide and introduce you to 10 free Steam games you should try NOW!

Planetside 2

Planetside 2

This continent-spanning, wildly intense, massively-multiplayer, class-based first person shooter is one any die-hard action enthusiast should play. Planetside 2 offers sci-fi action at its finest, allowing players to join one of multiple armies, within which are a multitude of classes to suit any wannabe soldier’s gameplay. Fun with friends, intense to play, difficult to master; a must-play for all Steam users.

Super Crate Box

Sometimes simplicity is the key to a great video-game experience. Steam holds many a small gaming gem, with Super Crate Box definitely filling that category. Play as an excitable, jumpy character, destroying wave-after-wave of enemies. Collect weapon crates to upgrade your arsenal and defeat the hardiest of sprites.

Tribes Ascend

Well-executed innovation is the key to progress in the gaming world, and on Steam you can have a piece of that exemplary pie for free. Tribes Ascend is a first person shooter with an emphasis on speed and movement.

You can choose from a number of customizable classes and ‘ski’ them across one of many expansive maps. A wide array of game-modes and tactic styles make this a game that any first person shooter fan shouldn’t miss.

Team Fortress 2

A classic PC title with a die-hard community, Team Fortress 2 remain one of steam’s flagships, being one of their most played and downloaded games ever. Play as one of many classes and work as a team to take down the enemy in one ofnumerous enjoyable and unique game-modes.

There are many, and I mean MANY, hours of fun to be had inside the world of Team Fortress. And hats. Lots of amazing hats!

Dota 2

If you’re a gamer who relishes a challenge, and also has a lot of spare time on their hands, then Dota 2 is the game for you. A top down tactical RTS/RPG style game, players take control of one of many characters, each with visual, playing and tactical styles which set them apart completely from one another. Wins are rewarding, and losses make you play until you win again. Try it now and get your Dota fix…


The list of free first person shooters is seemingly endless on Steam. However, not many can match the prowess of Warframe. A third person shooter at heart, this game puts you in control of the Tenno, masters of blades, guns and the Warframe armour sets, as you fight a powerful race called The Grineer.

The science-fiction visuals are delicious, and the gameplay is rewarding and exciting. One for action-shooter enthusiasts everywhere. Also available for Xbox One.

Lord of the Rings Online

With the successful ventures back into Middle Earth with the recent Hobbit trilogy, hype for the series has never been greater. Lord of the Rings Online gives you the chance to explore your favourite Middle Earth locations for yourself, taking your self-created character on quests with familiar faces and forging a life for yourself as your chosen race.

A fun, social title for any Tolkien fan, Lord of the Rings Online will see you walking to Mordor and back time and time again.


Silliness and humour are the buzzwords here! Toribashis a turn based fighting game which puts you in complete control of your character’s entire body. The game features hundreds of user-created mods and customization options, daily tournaments and in game and forum events.

A social, comical turn based fighter. Oh, and did I mention full body dismemberment? Yeah, you can do that too.

Gotham City Imposters Free to Play

Na nanananananabatman! Or not, in the case of Gotham City Imposters, which has you posing as either wannabe masked vigilantes or villains, influenced by everyone’s favourite bat-inspired superhero and his arch-nemesis.

Use conventional guns or silly weaponry as you fight for control of key Gotham locations for control of the city. A funny first-person shooter, and one that’s definitely worth a go.

Pinball Arcade

Recreate long evenings at the local arcade with Pinball Arcade. Stunning yet familiar visuals give this free title a classic and timeless feel, whilst also being a rewarding and simple pinball machine simulator.

Addictive at its core, this game will be one you’ll see yourself accidentally playing for hours.

Free and Pay-to-Play

Minecraft is the perfect example of an app which is a one time only payment and provides hours (and hours and hours) of entertainment. Hugely popular with kids this world building creation tool has spawned dozens of modifications and spin-offs, a huge publishing phenomenon and countless opportunities for growth. There is also a film coming, off course.

See our recent posts on the most popular mods for Minecraft here.

Since the incredible rise of smartphones app makers have seized the chance to produce apps which are incredibly addictive and which require payment to get the full mobile experience. With the ubiquitous in-app purchases already an expected method of transaction the pay-to-play model should be approached with caution.

The ever-popular Minion Rush is a free app, bolstered with a micro-economy of transactions to alter and improve the game. New Minions can be bought, a second-chance revive options is well implemented in many of the cash-to-dash genre, however it is important to note that most apps are perfectly enjoyable without diving for the wallet.

Never has the gaming industry made such a gigantic leap into people’s lives. With the Nintendo Wii doing much to popularise casual gaming, and the AAA PC and console market is capable of billion dollars first week sales. It’s a curious phenomenon, and a very exciting time.


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