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Mel Gibson Conducts His First Video Interview for The Beaver


Mel Gibson surprised everyone by unexpectedly turning up to Cannes for the premiere of his brand new movie, The Beaver. The film is directed by Jodie Foster and as well as starring the pair, also stars Jennifer Lawrence and Anton Yelchin. I got to see it at SXSW a few months ago and it blew me away. I loved everything about it and you can read our five star review here.

Mel Gibson has been extremely quiet for over a year now because of various stupid things that he said to police officers and to his wife. I’ll let you do hunts on the interview if you want to find out more but neither of them were particularly pleasant. This completely messed up the release schedule for The Beaver as it’s star was in the spotlight for completely the wrong reasons.

From what I’ve heard, The Beaver premiere in Cannes was a very special event. It was loved so much by its audience that a 10 minute applause followed the movie which is released in the UK 17th June. It follows a man who has depression and finds that the only way to get through that depression is to use a stuffed hand puppet to work through his problems.

Variety were able to catch up with Gibson in Cannes for the first interview that we’ve seen him do for over a year. For obvious reasons, he didn’t want to talk about his private life but you can watch the interview below.

Let us know your thoughts in the comments section.


  1. Great to see Mel being interviewed and talking about getting through tough times and coming out of the other end.  I wonder how many of us would like to go through and then survive such a humiliating experience of our very private telephone conversation, which is really nobody’s business, splattered all over the internet. 
    Be strong Mel.  Your performance in The Beaver is getting plaudits beyond any actors wildest dreams even from those critics who hate you. 
    Many well known critics such as Richard Roeper, Rex Reed and Mick LaSalle have all stated that your performance is definitely an Oscar nod.  Now, let’s see if Hollywood, who really knows the truth about you and not what’s put out by those media maggots who want to destroy you, will give you what you deservce, that Oscar nomination. 
    If they can give it to Roman Polanski and many others who’s private lives should never be made public, an Oscar, why not you.

  2. looking forward to this film and hoping Mel is back on top form.  Whatever your opinion on him, he’s a good actor.

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