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Limitless UK Poster


Relativity Media have released the official UK poster for drama-thriller Limitless.

Directed by Neil Burger, Limitless stars Bradley Cooper (The Hangover), Robert De Niro (Machete), Abbie Cornish (Bright Star) and Anna Friel (You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger).

Eddie Morra (Cooper) is an unemployed writer whose girlfriend Lindy (Cornish) breaks up with him. Eddie believes he has no future, but when a friend introduces him to the experimental drug MDT, Eddie becomes highly focused and highly confident. He is able to recall everything he has read, heard or seen, and he uses the knowledge to become successful in the financial world. Business mogul Carl Van Loon (De Niro) sees Eddie as a potential tool to make money, but Eddie’s success also attracts hitmen who pursue him for the MDT. Eddie’s stash dwindles, causing him side effects, as he tries to escape being assassinated.

Limitless will be released in the UK on March 23rd.

Check out the UK poster below:


  1. “Robert de Niro (Machete)”? Thank you for naming his most famous film, otherwise I might have confused him with the Robert de Niro that was in Taxi Driver, The Deer Hunter, Raging Bull and Goodfellas.

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