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Joss Whedon’s Dollhouse Closed for Business


dollhouse canceledIt’s a shame, though not a surprise to learn from The Hollywood Reporter (via /Film) that Joss Whedon’s mix and match personality drama Dollhouse has been canceled by Fox.

The Interweb is currently massing its forces and there’ll be the Whedonites screaming blue murder at Fox for pulling a Firefly, but if truth be told the series didn’t measure up to the potential or the promise shown in a few stunning episodes adrift in a sea of Fox-neutered fare.

That’s not to say that the series didn’t have its moments, and as I wrote in my review of the first season it was only on a second viewing that the subtleties were evident and though it seemed always to be walking under a Fox shaped Damoclean sword some of the episodes were riveting, with glimpses, if not spotlights, of Whedon’s best.

Early news from the production did not augur well, with a pilot episode rejected and reshot and the news that Fox picked the series up for a second season was a surprise to many. Coupled with the fact that the best episode of the series wasn’t even aired on TV in the US, the DVD-exclusive ‘lost’ episode Epitaph One was a beautiful shock to the system, and was a master stroke by Joss Whedon.

Posting over at Whedonesque the puppet master of the Dollhouse had his to say:

Hmm. Apparently my news is not news.

I don’t have a lot to say. I’m extremely proud of the people I’ve worked with: my star, my staff, my cast, my crew. I feel the show is getting better pretty much every week, and I think you’ll agree in the coming months. I’m grateful that we got to put it on, and then come back and put it on again.

I’m off to pursue internet ventures/binge drinking. Possibly that relaxation thing I’ve read so much about. By the time the last episode airs, you’ll know what my next project is. But for now there’s a lot of work still to be done, and disappointment to bear.

Thank you all for your support, your patience, your excellent adverts. See you again. -j.

Perhaps this means the Dr Horrible sequel that’s being bandied around? Whatever happens I’ll miss Dollhouse a little, and the love for the show which held the cast and crew together was tangible. So, no mourning for Dollhouse, Fox will honour their agreement and air all the episodes of the second season and I’m more interested in what Joss has plans for next.

Here’s to Epitaph Two.


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  2. Wasn't a fan, and I'm glad it is canceled. It definitely suffered from a lot of things, that made me stop watching within the first season. Fans of Whedon would of course be quick to defend it, but if you step back and look at the show, it's really not worth saving.

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