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Josh Trank for Shadow of the Colossus


Josh Trank, the much sought after director of February’s Chronicle who has since been linked to everything from Spider-man spin-off Venom to 20th Century Fox’s unnecessary Fantastic Four reboot, has today been officially attached to another project entirely: Sony Pictures’ Shadow of the Collossus.

Based on the 2005 video-game of the same name, Shadow of the Colossus follows Wander, a young man who is forced to travel into the forbidden land in order to save (restore, in fact) the life of a girl named Mono. To achieve his goal, however, Wander must defeat sixteen colossi – towering golems comprised of flesh, rock and even architecture, each with their own unique strengths and weaknesses – with only his loyal horse and a mysterious entity called Dormin for assistance.

The game, which unfortunately I have yet to play myself (though not through lack of trying) is considered by many to be a seminal title, renowned for its distinct lack of supporting characters with which to interact, immersive gameplay and cinematic aesthetic. The spiritual successor to International Production Studio 1’s similarly celebrated Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, like its predecessor, is often cited as one of the most influential games to have been released for the Playstation 2.

Of all the projects Trank has been linked to, Shadow of the Colossus is by far the most exciting. Although it would have been nice to see Trank return to direct Chronicle 2, the return of writer Max Landis’ should provide a strong enough link to the original. I can only hope, however, that Landis isn’t the only one who is done with the found-footage element, for there seems little place for the format in a pre-industrial landscape populated by monolithic monsters.

Deadline had this one first.


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