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J.K. Rowling Tells Oprah She’s Not Ruling Out an Eighth Harry Potter Book


I could well be wrong as I’m not always down with the kids on the latest news from the novel side of Harry Potter but I was under the impression that J.K. Rowling had said she wasn’t going to write anymore. I guess now with the final movie(s) looming, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 & Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, it might only be too tempting for the extremely gifted writer to bring out an eighth book.

The penultimate part of the Potter franchise hits UK cinemas 19th November and the marketing for the movies is only going to increase. In that vein, Rowling appeared on Oprah Winfrey earlier today and has surprised us all by stating that ‘she’s not ruling out another book’.

Rowling: “I could definitely write an eighth, ninth, tenth, easily”

Winfrey: “Will you?”

“Rowling: I’m gonna say I won’t. I don’t think I will. I loved writing those books. I feel I am done, but you never know!”

Even while she’s saying the words, you can see the look in her eyes like she’s actually thinking there and then, shall I do it – and personally, I think she will!

This will cause the Potter community go ballistic as I’m sure there’s nothing they’d like more than to see another part. That said, I could be wrong! Please let us know your thoughts in the comments below after watching this footage courtesy of E:Online where you can hear the above from the mouth of the Potter lady herself!


  1. i think she should do a prequel…
    after all there are some loose ends abt his parents that some people would really like to find out
    despite them not affecting the main plot of the harry timeline

  2. Was that epilogue not bad enough? I don’t think I could handle an 8th book. There is no need. Its time for her to move on to a new amazing project, she has enough money even if she fails.

  3. I would love another book! The epilogue didn’t say what they all did for a living. All we know is that Neville Longbottom is the Herbology professor at Hogwarts and Percy Weasley works at Hogwarts. I want to know of the new adventures of the kids at Hogwarts, too!

  4. I would love another book! The epilogue didn’t say what they all did for a living. All we know is that Neville Longbottom is the Herbology professor at Hogwarts and Percy Weasley works at Hogwarts. I want to know of the new adventures of the kids at Hogwarts, too!

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