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Iron Man Mode Makes Money For Charity


One life, no more, no less. That’s what Iron Man Mode is all about. Gamers (and sometimes comedians) playing a whole bunch of games with only one life. Sounds simple doesn’t it? Could you imagine playing the rock hard Dead Island with only one life? do you think you can smash Half Life with only one play through? I thought not. But that hasn’t stopped the awesome guys over at Iron Man Mode giving it a shot. The best part of the whole idea is, it’s all for charity, The Child’s Play Charity to exact, to help out those children more needy than us.

The idea is simple, one of the gamers/comedians will go about playing a game, any game with just a single solitary life. They film it, write about it and attempt to make us laugh in the process. If they die, then that game, and that blog is over. And they start again on another game. It’s a great idea, and well worth a look. You never know, you might pick up some hints and tips on a game that  you have so far spent 3.2 million lives on.

The key to this event it that it’s for charity, so they need donations, yes there is money involved but 100% off all funds raised goes to charity. So if you feel like you want to help these guys out reach their goal head on over to the site www.ironmanmode.com and take a scoot around. What’s the worst that can happen eh?


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